This is one of the Council’s Project in a format of a book that was completed in 2005. It provides an overview of developments and achievements of the women of American Samoa in its first century as a Territory. This story is told through short
biographies of 100 women.
THE WOMEN OF AMERICAN SAMOA Author: Fofo I. F. Sunia “The Women of American Samoa” In today’s society, women continue to play a vital role in their communities, work force, and especially in their families. Around early 1900’s in American Samoa, women carried out duties that essentially helped out the whole community. These duties included weaving baskets, making siapo (bark cloth), making Samoan handicrafts, and attending church functions and village affairs. Hardly any women were exposed to early education, but as time progressed, women began holding great titles. Samoan women became doctors, lawyers, educators and entered into other various professions. “The Women of American Samoa” is a book of the history of the Territory of American Samoa, a book of family history, and also individual history of how Samoan women labored in the 20th century to assist in the development of our Territory. This book was published by the Amerika Samoa Humanities Council, to celebrate one hundred women role models of American Samoa. Price: Paper pack $25.00; Price: Hardcover $35.00
THE WOMEN OF AMERICAN SAMOA Author: Fofo I. F. Sunia “The Women of American Samoa” In today’s society, women continue to play a vital role in their communities, work force, and especially in their families. Around early 1900’s in American Samoa, women carried out duties that essentially helped out the whole community. These duties included weaving baskets, making siapo (bark cloth), making Samoan handicrafts, and attending church functions and village affairs. Hardly any women were exposed to early education, but as time progressed, women began holding great titles. Samoan women became doctors, lawyers, educators and entered into other various professions. “The Women of American Samoa” is a book of the history of the Territory of American Samoa, a book of family history, and also individual history of how Samoan women labored in the 20th century to assist in the development of our Territory. This book was published by the Amerika Samoa Humanities Council, to celebrate one hundred women role models of American Samoa. Price: Paper pack $25.00; Price: Hardcover $35.00