Does your organization have a humanities project that serves our community ?
Each year, we provide grants to support humanities-based projects that focus on literature, history, philosophy, art history, archaeology and other humanities disciplines.
Applicants interested in applying for a grant should first review our ASHC Program Guidelines 2024 below.
It is not required that you contact us before submitting an application, but we strongly recommend it. Past applicants find it very useful to check in with us about their project idea and get advice—we can recommend how your project can better fit our guidelines.
ASHC Grant Application – 2024 (revised as of Feb 2024)
ASHC Grant Guidelines – 2024 (revised as of Feb 2024)
Our grant support comes from the National Endowment for the Humanities funding for state humanities councils.
Has your organization been impacted by the Covid-19 Pandemic?
As we mark one year since the outbreak of Covid-19, the Amerika Samoa Humanities Council has received relief funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). This funding aims to help humanities-based non profit organizations
to recover and sustain their services and operations in our community.
It is our hope and prayer that while the global impacts of corona virus is ongoing, our people take this time to reflect and re-imagine the kind of legacy we want to leave behind. Not only as Samoans, but more importantly, as humans.
Applicants interested in applying for this grant, please review the Guidelines and Application.
Deadline for this grant is Friday, September 17th, 2021.
National Arts and Humanities Month (CLOSED)

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