“Civic and Electoral Participation Initiative”
The Why It Matters project conveyed a goal: to sustain a well-informed society that can act on issues of personal and public concern. This program focused on the importance and significance of the right to vote but also included the importance of one’s voice and election as one way to exercise this voice. The communities in American Samoa are closely knit, and it often poses challenges. The concept of respect runs deep, and culture and tradition greatly influence the election process. The way each individual voice is sometimes put into practice, as well as demographic composition, is also another factor to consider. With the election over and done with and the buzz of this season coming to a slow closure, we have looked at the issues raised during this time as important markers for this project. We believe that regardless of the forum in which elections take place locally, the residents of the territory must be aware and understand the voting process and why their voice via voting can be both individually enriching and beneficial to the community. Through open discussions and civic engagements, the community was able to come together on a collective platform and raise their concerns, give their comments, and offer their recommendations for what they each believe would bring everyone together and help make for a more healthy democratic nation. These have allowed for an opportunity to hear from underserved audiences such as youth, mothers and fathers from rural communities, and our unemployed elders and elders with disabilities.